Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Introduction to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Welcome to our Frequently Asked Questions page. At The Species Collection, we value transparency and commitment to our supporters. We understand you might have questions about our mission, operations, and the impact of your purchases. This FAQ page is designed to address those inquiries and provide clarity about our commitment to wildlife conservation across the globe.

We believe in the power of collective action and the importance of informed choices. These answers will help you understand our work better and feel confident about supporting our cause. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us directly. Your engagement and trust are crucial to us and the wildlife we strive to protect. We continually update this page to keep it current. Thank you for your interest and support!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. What is The Species Collection? The Species Collection is a socially conscious business dedicated to wildlife conservation efforts globally. Our mission is to raise awareness and funds for endangered species through the sale of our unique jewelry.

  2. How does The Species Collection support wildlife conservation? We donate 20% of our revenue from each sale directly to wildlife preservation charities. This substantial contribution supports a range of activities, from habitat restoration to anti-poaching efforts.

  3. What does "revenue" mean? 'revenue' refers to the money we receive from sales.

  4. Do you have expensive offices? We operate from a home office, keeping our overhead low so that more of your purchase can directly support conservation efforts.

  5. How does your donation percentage compare to other businesses? We donate a significant portion of our revenue—20%—which is often more than what many businesses donate. We base our donations on revenue, ensuring a transparent and impactful contribution to wildlife conservation.

  6. Can I make a direct donation to the cause? Currently, we do not offer this service to keep our costs down. 

  7. How can I be sure that my purchase is making a difference? We will be working closely with our charity partners to ensure funds are effectively used. We will also share updates and details of supported projects and initiatives on our website and social media.

  8. Is The Species Collection a legitimate charitable business? We are a genuine, registered business in the UK committed to wildlife conservation. We transparently donate 20% of our revenue from each sale to wildlife charities and will regularly publish how these donations are used. Please contact us directly for any further clarification.

  9. How can I contact The Species Collection for more information? We'd love to hear from you! Please click or tap the icon on the bottom right hand corner to contact us.

  10. What specific wildlife projects does my purchase support? Your purchases help fund a variety of conservation projects focused on protecting natural habitats, rescuing endangered species, and supporting sustainable community practices that enhance local and global biodiversity.